As the plugin provides the link between Lineardraft Core and your CAD application, it is important to keep it up to date. Follow the steps below to update the plugin.
Please note: This process requires local administrator rights. If you don't have these you will need to request this from your internal IT department.
Step 1: Close your CAD application
If you have your CAD application open, please save your work and close it before continuing.
Step 2: Open Lineardraft Desktop
From the Windows taskbar tray, click on the Lineardraft Desktop icon. If the Lineardraft Desktop icon is not displayed, double-click the desktop icon or click on the Lineardraft Desktop application on the 'Start' menu
Step 3: Click the download button next to the plugin with the warning triangle icon
Step 4: Give elevated privileges
At this point, your PC will prompt you to grant elevated/admin privileges. If necessary, request this from your internal IT department.
Step 5: Follow the instructions of the install wizard
When asked to select whether to 'Modify', 'Repair', or 'Remove', please select 'Repair'.
Step 6: Complete the plugin installation
Click the 'Finish' button, the installation wizard will close and return you to Lineardraft Desktop.
Step 7: Confirm the plugin is showing as 'Up to date' in Lineardraft Desktop
Check the plugin status now displays a green tick icon, along with the version number of the plugin.