Release notes for Lineardraft Core versions dating from the start of 2021, detailing new features, changes, and fixed issues.
Ready to update? Find out how to get the latest version of Lineardraft Core here.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue where in certain circumstances changing the SPS type when editing a wire point would cause an unhandled exception.
New Features
- Tube lengths of cantilevers are now provided in MicroStation asset data and in JSON reports.
New Features
- Added a blank gantry that can be used with all portal masts.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue where in certain circumstances, changing the backtie type or backtie style would cause an unhandled exception.
- Fixed an issue where annotation would not be placed at the height defined in the active project settings.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed incorrect names being placed in structure boxes under certain circumstances.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed track identification in certain rare circumstances.
- Improved auxiliary wire support modelling.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue where the along track position of SPS on portal gantries did not take the gantry offset into account. This resulted in SPS positions shifting along the gantry.
- We advise that any models that contain portal gantries supporting SPS that have been modified or created since the release of 2024.6.4975.1 have their SPS positions checked against previous versions of the model.
- We recommend any structures that have been affected are rebuilt (See Rebuilding a Structure), as this will revert the position to its original location.
Identified Issues
- We have identified that the rotation of SPS on right TTC structures created before release 2024.6.4975.1 will be inverted if the structure is rebuilt; I.e. SPS placed on the 'Front' of the gantry will display on the 'Back' of the gantry.
- We advise that any models that contain right TTCs supporting SPS that have been modified since the release of 2024.6.4975.1 have their SPS rotations checked against previous versions of the model.
- At this stage, this only affects models created before 2024.6.4975.1, and future models will be unaffected. Due to this, we do not intend to alter the way future SPS is created, however we are planning on providing a means in the near future to revert old SPS to their original rotation (See Configuring SPS for details on how to modify SPS rotation).
Engineering Capability
- Added a 'Blank' foundation to the internal catalogue that can be used with all masts across any loaded catalogues. This foundation contains no allocation or graphics, and serves as a placeholder if custom foundation graphics are required.
- When entering a gap value via text input - if the value is outside the valid range, the value will snap to the maximum/minimum value (Using Adapter Plates).
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue where drop tube limits would not be calculated correctly in certain circumstances (Bracket & SPS Locations Explained).
Warning: This release requires updates to all design catalogues.
New Features
- Steelwork Configurator (see blog post).
- Lineardraft now allows steelwork (masts/gantries) to be changed even when there's equipment attached (Changing Steelwork with Equipment Attached).
- Quick editing/removal of brackets, sps, ornaments and backties.
- Intelligent steelwork filtering (Configure Steelwork Window Explained).
- Intelligent structure type switching.
- Intelligent equipment switching.
- Integrates with the 'Edit Structure' window.
- Customisable auxiliary wire supports.
- Ability to edit wire support style parameters of auxiliary wire supports (Customising Wire Support Style Parameters).
- Automatic auxiliary wire point placement based on equipment and wire support customisation.
- Wire support style selection for auxiliary wire supports (Adding Auxiliary Equipment to a Structure).
Engineering Capability
- Improved Drop Tube configuration
- Drop Tube Height can now be overridden (Override Drop Tube Position).
- Clearer guidance on when Drop Tubes must be overridden by the user (Configuring a Drop Tube).
- Improved Bracket configuration (Configuring a Bracket).
- Brackets can now be added to gantries.
- Bracket type can be changed even with attached wire supports.
- Finer control of bracket placement using the new location and rotation options combined with location limits (Bracket & SPS Locations Explained).
- When adding/editing a bracket, a preview is now shown.
- Improved SPS configuration (Configuring SPS).
- SPS type can be changed even with attached Drop Tubes.
- Finer control of SPS placement using the new location and rotation options combined with location limits.
- Improved Ornament configuration (Adding an Ornament).
- Finer control of Ornament placement using the new location and rotation options combined with location limits.
- No longer shows console message when Drop Tube length/height is overridden by the user or if minimum Drop Tube length is not met.
- Improved Equipment Editor UI (Equipment Editor Explained).
- Improved behaviour when selecting items in the equipment editor (Equipment Pathway).
- Selecting an item in the active pathway now ensures the active pathway is not modified/updated.
- Updated naming convention in the equipment editor.
- Clearer presentation of the active pathway (Active Pathway).
New Features
- In Span equipment's allocation data is now shown in the asset window (Catalogue dependent).
- In Span equipment's allocation data is now included in the Per Structure Allocation (BoQ) report (Catalogue dependent).
- Lineardraft now supports non-English number styles.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed issue where importing legacy Lineardraft design files (.ld) with Backties would cause a crash.
Engineering Capability
- Improved MPA on Gantry functionality ahead of impending catalogue releases. See the following the articles for details on MPA on Gantry. (Placing an MPA on a Gantry, Adjusting Wires for an MPA on Gantry, Adding In Span Equipment to an MPA on Gantry)
New Features
- Secondary chainage
- It's now possible to assign a secondary chainage to a structure. See here for further details.
- Secondary chainage can be enabled by default in your project settings. See here for further details.
- Secondary chainage can be displayed in the structure annotations.
- Secondary chainage is shown in Structure Details and Foundation Details reports.
Engineering Capability
- The top of adapter plate value is now output in the structure asset information window in MicroStation.
Fixed Issues
- Running a dropper report with catenary systems that are only attached to one structure no longer causes the report to crash.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed internal issue affecting some users.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed modelling issue affecting some users.
Engineering Capability
- It's now possible to override and select a specific backtie style when editing a backtie. Useful when the length ranges of backtie styles overlap or the default style isn't suitable for your requirements (see Adding a Backtie for more information) - applicable to catalogues released later than this version of Lineardraft.
- Lineardraft now shows the applicable adapter plate on the Edit Structure window, and allows the user to change it when options exists (see Using Adapter Plates for more details).
- There's now more configurability of foundation and adapter plate gaps when an adapter plate is in use (see Adding a Structure for more details).
- The Foundation Details report now contains an additional column for the Top of Adapter Plate where applicable.
- Updated splash screen.
Engineering Capability
- In certain edge-cases, backties appeared in an across-track position. This is no longer the case.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue where legacy backtie bearings would cause reports to fail.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed issue where the Foundation Details report generation would hang when duplicate structure names are present in a model. Note: Foundation Details report now contains two additional hidden columns.
Engineering Capability
- It’s now possible to change the support label for an attachment point structure type in the 'Edit Structure' window (see article).
Fixed Issues
- Corrected scaling of 'Configure Wire Point' window when using high Windows display scaling settings; for example 175%.
New Features
- You can now join two wires together in a design (see article).
Engineering Capability
- The Foundation Details report now includes entries for each backtie foundation in the design (see article).
- General toolbar updates for all CAD applications - naming and icons.
- Added Lineardraft button to MicroStation Connect quick access toolbar.
Fixed Issues
- In span equipment that’s no longer valid for a span will be removed.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed the issue where text elements from annotations would be assigned to an incorrect text style in MicroStation Connect.
Engineering Capability
- Lineardraft now supports text masking, also known as background fill, for annotations, dependent on the active Project Settings configuration (see article and article).
- Lineardraft can now display the average height of catenary system in wire box annotations, dependent on the active Project Settings configuration (see article).
UX Improvements
- Split wire changes (see article).
- Improved user feedback messages when splitting a wire.
- More streamlined workflow with clearer windows.
- You can now delete a wire directly from the Wire Manager rather than from the Configure Wire window (see article).
- Made Wire Manager UI clearer.
- Improved column widths.
- Renamed 'Delete' to 'Detach' on the wire tables (see article).
- Simplified and standardised the 'Select Wire' and 'Select Structure' windows.
Engineering Capability
- The Track Manager now shows the maximum horizontal and vertical movement.
- The Track Manager Max Delta figure now takes into account the vertical movement of the track.
- The track tolerance report now shows horizontal and vertical movement of each track (see article).
Fixed Issues
- It's no longer possible to split a wire at the end of a wire run which lead to a wire that's not attached to a structure.
- In certain circumstances, the 'Wire Manager' would display Auxiliary Wires in the Catenary Wire table.
- Closest track in the Auxiliary Wire Validation report is now calculated correctly. (See article and generating a report).
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue in version 2023.3.4051.1 where placing an ornament on SSA masts would result in incorrect ornament rotation.
Improved Engineering Capability
- Lineardraft now displays catenary wire box annotations dependent on the support type of the wire point. (Project Settings configuration dependent).
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue in version 2023.3.4051.1 where copying or moving an SSA structure would result in incorrect mast and foundation bearings. The bearings are now correctly reset to their along track rotation.
- Fixed an issue where, in certain circumstances, importing an old design (.ld file) would throw an exception. Imported designs are now upgraded upon import.
UX Improvements
- Added 'Reset' and 'Match' buttons for mast and foundation bearings in the 'Edit Structure' window (see here & here).
- It's now possible to delete a whole wire run even if it is attached to existing structures and equipment (see here).
- It’s now possible to import a .csv file using 'Data Manager' even if the file is open in another application (see here).
- User no longer has to check 'Multi-Move' success; detailed feedback is provided to the user through either the Lineardraft Console window or 'Multi-Move' window (see here).
- The 'Raw Data (JSON)' report has the following schema changes:
- Mast object:
- "Bearing" object removed.
- "Bearing" property added.
- Foundation object:
- "Bearing" object removed.
- "BearingOutput" property renamed to "Bearing".
- Mast object:
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue where importing data using the 'Data Manager' would sometimes remove all asset information if the imported data contained special characters (see here).
- We have identified that there was an inconsistency for SSA structures’ mast and foundation bearings in the edit/create structure window, in layouts, and on reports. This has now been fixed so that the bearing values are consistent throughout.
- Please ensure you review foundation and mast bearings for SSA structures in existing models. If there are any inconsistencies, please rebuild the affected structures.
- Fixed an issue where the clicking 'Customise' on the 'Edit Wire Point' window would sometimes crash when using certain equipment in certain scenarios.
Fixed Issues
- Minor gantry graphical bug fixed.
New Features
- New hidden structure options that improve user control over what's displayed and included in allocation reports. Find out more here.
- Users can now set the hidden structure option for all structures in a model. Find out more here.
Fixed Issues
- Improved UI stability for Saved View Manager and Track Manager.
- Structure naming rules are now more flexible. For an overview, please see here.
- Reference chainage can now be up to 10 characters long.
- Removed the requirement to fill in all structure name boxes.
- Uppercase is no longer forced on structure name boxes.
- All structure name, label, and reference chainage boxes now accept the same special characters.
("0-9", "+", "_", ".")
Fixed Issues
- When importing a model, notes are now imported.
New Features
- It's now possible to reset the wire support style parameters directly from the 'Configure' window. Find out more here.
- Wire support style parameters are now automatically reset when the wire support style is changed on the 'Configure' window. Find out more here.
- Updates to the UI layout on the 'Configure' window for improved readability.
- Renamed the 'Edit' button to 'Customise' on the 'Configure' window.
Fixed Issues
- In edge cases, when using the LD ModelSettings command to change the display of 2D or 3D elements in Microstation V8i a .Net exception error was thrown. This exception is now handled correctly.
- Improved the amount of feedback provided by Lineardraft Console when span & versine annotations are recalculated and redrawn. Find out more here.
- Versine value displayed as part of the span & versine annotation is now rounded based on the value defined in the active project settings. More information here.
Fixed Issues
- In extreme circumstances, the span & versine annotations would appear misaligned with the track. This has been fixed, improving layout legibility. Find out more here.
- Span & versine annotations are no longer deleted when importing a Lineardraft design file into a model that doesn't contain a track reference.
Fixed Issues
- Improved the stability of the Dropper Schedule report when duplicate structure names are encountered. The Dropper Schedule report now contains an additional hidden column (column A).
- Improved the stability of multiple baseplates on a backtie to support upcoming catalogue releases.
New Features
- It is now possible to change the selected baseplate of a backtie. See Adding a Backtie.
- Minor UI layout changes on the backtie edit window.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue where in some cases Backties could not be added to a structure if the structure had an extreme Top of Foundation (ToF) relative to High Rail Level (HRL). When creating a backtie, the backtie height now accounts for the difference between ToF and HRL.
Fixed Issues
- Reports no longer fail when using excel reserved characters \ / * ? : [ ] for wire names in the worksheet name. They are now replaced with '_' characters. The original wire names have also been added at the top of each sheet for clarity.
Fixed Issues
- Wire Supports that have adjustable offset properties can now be modified in the "Edit" window.
New Features
- Auto-assign status of sub-components in the Status Editor with new 'Apply to sub-components' button (see Editing Structure Component Statuses)
- Span & Versine Annotation can now be moved freely (i.e. along track as well as across track) using the 'move' annotation feature. (See Moving an Annotation and Rotation of Span & Versine Annotation)
Fixed Issues
- Fixed graphical issue when placing components of Wire Support in extreme conditions.
- Editable properties that aren't relevant to the selected style of Wire Support no longer show in the 'Edit' window.
- Saved views of Portal structures no longer exceed the across track clip volume.
- Removed previews that did not disappear after edit form had closed.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed stability issue when building extrusion components in AutoCAD.
- Fixed issue where structure would become invalid after failing to re-associate the structure to any possible track.
- Snapshot creation no longer fails when the name of AutoCAD file contains a '.' character.
- Windows can now be resized in AutoCAD.
Fixed Issues
- Stability fixes for the AutoCAD UI.
- Improved asset information compatibility with MicroStation Connect.
Fixed Issues
- Removed duplicate of 'Saved view manager' button in the AutoCAD toolbar.
- Users must explicitly mark Lineardraft as trusted when opening AutoCAD for the first time after installation - this only occurs once.
- AutoCAD toolbar now packaged as part of Lineardraft Core.
- Updated the title of the About form.
- Messenger Wire and System Height controls are now disabled when changing the support type to MPA on Gantry.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed stability issue with MicroStation Connect.
New Features
- Lineardraft can now allow users to define "Draw Default Soffit Equipment Line" in project settings, which determines if an equipment line should appear in plan view when there isn't any equipment/wire attached to a soffit. See Draw Default Soffit Equipment Line
- Added new structure symbology display styles. See Structure Symbology Display Styles
- Added two new anchor box display styles. See Anchor Box Display Styles
- Added a new MPA box display style. See MPA Box Display Styles
- It's now possible to show the full tension length of a catenary wire in the anchor box.
- It's now possible to define the default setting for drawing Easting/Northing Box in the project settings.
- Improved UI layout in the Structure Details of the "Edit Structure" window.
- Increased maximum length of structure name boxes to 10 and allowed to use "+" and "_" symbols. See Structure Name, Label, and Reference Chainage Rules
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue where the system height would be displayed incorrectly when using MPA on gantry.
New Features
- Lineardraft can now utilise negative quantities for allocation to represent credit and debit allocation items. (Catalogue dependent).
New Features
- Deprecated items are no longer visible in drop-down lists. (This can be re-enabled on the about form).
- Improved the start-up time of Lineardraft.
- Introduced dynamic combo-box widths to ensure all items are visible in a list.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed compatibility with anchor supports in legacy catalogues.
Fixed Issues
- Allocation is no longer duplicated per structure in the 'Per Structure Allocation (BoQ)' report.
- Fixed an issue where allocation was being reported for hidden structures in the 'Per Structure Allocation (BoQ)' report.
Fixed Issues
- Annotation is now scaled correctly when using non-standard units of resolution (UOR) in MicroStation V8i & Connect.
- Improved cantilever modelling functionality.
Fixed Issues
- Model Settings now works in AutoCAD/Civil3D 2018 - 2020.
New Features
- If a Structure has Additional Tracks, these tracks can now be deleted using the Track Editor - as long as they don't have any wires registered to them.
Fixed Issues
- Stability improvements for cantilever modelling.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue displaying console messages.
New Features
- Improved cantilever functionality and flexibility including dynamic component allocation (catalogue dependent).
- The Lineardraft Console window no longer appears at start-up unless there are messages to show.
Fixed Issues
- 3D elements are now placed correctly when using a non-standard global origin in MicroStation V8i & Connect.
Fixed Issues
- Improved compatibility with AutoCAD 2018 - 2020.
Fixed Issues
- Improved compatibility with AutoCAD.
New Features
- Now shows Multi-move feedback in the console - lists structures which have moved successfully and structures that have failed to move.
- Minor UI changes on Multi-move dialog.
- Minor UI changes on Multi-copy dialog.
- Improved AutoCAD compatibility.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed issue where Lineardraft would crash if attempting to multi-move a structure which had wires attached to additional tracks. No longer allows multi-move of these types of structures.
Fixed Issues
- Re-associating the main tracks on Structures that have additional tracks with wires, no longer fails.
- Improved the dropper length adjustment calculation for asymmetrical spans. This will not affect existing models. Upcoming catalogue releases will be required for spans to utilise the new dropper length calculation method.
Fixed Issues
- The Structure Details report now contains the Kilometerage value for each structure.
New Features
- Dialog Share Indicator. When sharing a window using the '?' button, a '⦿' symbol will appear in the dialog title.
- AutoCAD stability improvements.
New Features
- Stagger Symbol Customisation. Moving staggers to the other side of a structure now flips to the correct cell.
- Wire Manager is too small! Wire manager dialog is now resizable, and includes more relevant data.
- Stability improvements when handling updated catalogue components.
New Features
- Backtie Connector allocation now included in allocation output. (Catalogue dependent).
- Backtie Baseplate allocation now included in allocation output. (Catalogue dependent).
- Improved track re-association when handling changed track file names.
Fixed Issues
- Stagger annotation orientation and position now correct when dealing with "Lowest Chainage on the Right" layout setting.
- Fixed issue where unchecking the 'Equipment' check box on the Auxiliary Wire Point Editor would cause an exception in certain circumstances.
- Stability improvements.
New Features
- Choose a specific style of support when configuring an auxiliary wire point (catalogue dependent).
- Improved track detection for complex track scenarios.
- Under-the-hood improvements for finer user management.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed issue where Delete Model command would fail if Lineardraft elements had been grouped by the user (MicroStation).
- Fixed issue where backtie dialog would not appear in certain scenarios.
- Further improved handling of Project Setting layout cell/block creation in MicroStation V8i.
- Multiple Project Settings changes including anchor scaling and insulation. (Project Setting & Customer dependent).
Fixed Issues
- Large versine values calculated in very limited scenarios with particular builds of Windows 10 in MicroStation CONNECT Edition.
- Structure symbols would display incorrectly in limited circumstances in MicroStation CONNECT Edition.
- Lineardraft icons now shrink to ensure all commands are still visible when reducing the size of the MicroStation CONNECT window.
- Improved handling of Project Setting cell creation in MicroStation V8i.
- Improved memory performance during Lineardraft initialisation.
- Stability improvements when interacting with MicroStation V8i and CONNECT.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed issue where Catenary Wire Validation report would sometimes fail.
- Fixed issue where snapshot files were not cleaned up.
New Features
- 2D wire box symbology is now chosen based on the span type of the wire. (Dependent on Catalogues and Project Settings)
- The span type dropdown on the wire editor dialog now shows the span id and description.
New Features
- Added RECOS to the Foundation Details report.
- Improved stability when processing changes.
Fixed Issues
- Versines associated with a structure are now updated when the structure is moved to a new location.
- Now warns the user when attempting to copy a wire to a structure which it's already attached to.
- Fixed a catalogue not loading.
- Now checks, and stops users from importing models which were created in a later version of Lineardraft.
New Features
- Backtie symbols are drawn when using custom structure symbols.
- Now checks the model has structures before running the Saved View Manager.
Fixed Issues
- MicroStation CONNECT toolbar updated.
- Improved reference (xref) support for AutoCAD 2018.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed issue where the Catenary Wire Validation report would sometimes show the incorrect versine and span length.
- Reduced memory footprint when caching certain catalogues.
New Features
- New Foundation Details report template.
- Asset schema changes for use in Bentley's iTwin software.
- Removed character limit when entering mast labels.
- Mast labels can now include the '+' and '-' symbols.
New Features
- Length of a droptube can now be overridden.
- Vertical position of the droptube can now be overridden (catalogue dependent).
- Lineardraft Console reports when a droptube length/position has been overridden on a structure.
- Lineardraft Console reports if a droptube length does not meet its minimum required length.
Fixed Issues
- Deprecation of 'CONCAT' in Excel 365 caused an issue with some reports.
- Order of structures was incorrect in 'Auxiliary Wire Validation' report.
- Order of structures was incorrect in 'Structure Details' report.
- Sometimes the previewer would crash in MicroStation CONNECT when changing the settings of a structure.
- For new models, Lineardraft would ask for confirmation of Project Settings more than once.