Placing a Soffit Structure

Please note: Soffits are a deprecated structure type. They have been replaced by the Attachment Point structure. Please see: Placing a Structure.

The steps below will guide you through adding a legacy soffit structure.

Step 1: Place a marker

Place a circle marker in the position you would like to create the soffit.

Step 2: Click the 'Place' button in the 'Structures' section of the Lineardraft toolbar

This will open the 'Place Structure' window.

Step 3: Click the marker

This should be the marker you placed in Step 1. A green tick will appear next to ‘First marker’ when complete.

Step 4: Right click anywhere on the screen

This is to allows the placement of a single mast structure, and moves to the next prompt.

Step 5: Click the left rail 

This should be the leftmost rail of the tracks you wish the structure to be associated with when looking in the direction of increasing distance/ chainage. A green tick will appear next to ‘Left rail’ when complete.

Step 6: Click the right rail

This should be the rightmost rail of the tracks you wish the structure to be associated with when looking in the direction of increasing distance/ chainage. A green tick will appear next to ‘Right rail’ when complete.

Step 7: Click 'Place'

This will open the 'Edit Structure' window.

Step 8: Populate your structure details 

Name: Identifier for the structure.
Distance: This should be a chainage or distance value where the structure should be placed at in kilometres, or your preferred unit of measurement.
Tag: This can be used for any tag or units you may want to add to the structure
Secondary (optional): Secondary chainage value, useful as a reference in projects which interface with additional chainage systems.

Step 9: Select 'Soffit' from the 'type' drop-down menu

This will change the options and layout of the 'Edit Structure' window.

Step 10: Configure 'Soffit' and attachment 

After selecting 'Soffit' the layout of the form will update to the one shown below. From the drop-down menu, select the style you would like to allocate and configure the various values.

Type: Choose a soffit style and attachment style from the drop-down menus
Height: Height of the soffit in metres (Determined from height of the tunnel roof above sea level)
Length: Length of the tube in metres
Bearing: Rotation of the soffit/ soffit attachment in degrees measured from North (0°)
RECOS: Distance from the centre of steel to the running edge of the closest rail in metres 

Step 11: Click 'Update Structure'

This will close the 'Edit Structure' window.

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