When updates to Lineardraft or any of its components are released, release notes detailing what has been included in the update are also released. To view these release notes follow the steps below.
Software Release Notes
Release notes for Lineardraft Core and Plugins can be found in the following Helpcentre articles:
Lineardraft Core
Lineardraft MicroStation Connect Plugin
Alternatively, you can follow the steps below to open the appropriate release notes.
Design Catalogue Release Notes
Step 1: Open Lineardraft Desktop from the system tray
From the Windows taskbar tray, click on the Lineardraft Desktop icon.
Step 2: Locate the design catalogue you would like to review the release notes for and click on the menu button to the right of the version number
This will open a drop-down from which you can choose the relevant version you would like to see the release notes for.
Top tip: You can also access the Lineardraft Core and plugin release notes via Lineardraft Desktop by clicking on the corresponding menu button, and they will open in your browser.
Step 4: Click on the release notes you would like to access from the drop-down menu
This will open up a PDF document in your browser with the release notes pertaining to that specific update.