Changing your Active Project Settings

You may have multiple project settings available in your Lineardraft Desktop, but active project settings are the project settings currently in use in your design. The below article outlines how to switch your active project settings.  

Please note: If you are looking to alter a set of project settings, your team’s Project Settings Administrator will need to submit a support ticket. 

Step 1: Click the 'Settings' button in the 'Lineardraft' section of the Lineardraft toolbar

This will open the 'Lineardraft Settings' window.

Step 2: Ensure the 'Model settings' tab is open 

Step 3: Choose your project settings from the ‘Active project setting’ drop-down menu

Top tip: If you have recently installed new project settings in Lineardraft Desktop and they are not currently showing in the list, click the ‘sync’ icon to the right of the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Click 'Update Settings'

A loading window may display while your project settings are updated and the window will close when complete.

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