Activating Lineardraft

Activating Lineardraft is simple. Just make sure you have Lineardraft Desktop installed on your PC, and you hold a valid license key before following the steps below.

Step 1: Launch Lineardraft Desktop

You can do this by clicking on the Lineardraft Desktop icon in the Windows taskbar tray.

If Lineardraft Desktop isn't running in the system tray, double click the desktop icon or click on the Lineardraft Desktop application in the 'Start' menu.

On the left: Lineardraft Desktop shortcut. On the right: Lineardraft Desktop in the Windows Start Menu.

Step 2: Click ‘Enter License Key’ or the key icon

Upon opening, Lineardraft Desktop will give you the option to select ‘Enter License Key’ or ‘Get Help’.

Step 3: Input license key into the empty field and click on the green tick

Your license key can be found in your ‘Welcome to Lineardraft’ email. This key is unique to you and should not be shared.

If you cannot locate your license key, then please submit a ticket to request it.

Getting a license error? Make sure the license key you've copied is complete and correct, and try again. If the problem persists please check out User License Not Working.

Step 4: Confirm the available components

Upon successful activation, Lineardraft Desktop will display a complete list of the components available with your license key. Please note some of these packages may need to be downloaded or installed before you begin using Lineardraft.

Getting Started Next Step: Install Lineardraft Core

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