Adding In-Span Equipment

In-span equipment is vital for the accurate 2D and 3D modelling of overhead line electrification wire runs; this is how you add it to your design.

Step 1: Click the 'Edit' button in the 'Wires' section of the Lineardraft toolbar

This will open the wire and structure selection window.

Step 2: Click on the wire you want to add in-span equipment to and click 'Edit'

Alternatively, you can select your wire from the drop-down menu. You do not need to select a structure at this point. Clicking 'Edit' will open the 'Edit Wire' window.

Step 3: Click on the 'In-span equipment' tab

Step 4: Click the 'Add' button

This will open the 'Edit In-Span Equipment' dialog.

Step 5: Select the lowest chainage structure of the relevant span to which you are adding in-span equipment

You either click the button and click on the structure in your design, or select the structure using the 'From Structure' drop-down menu.

Step 6: Select the required in-span equipment

You can search for specific items by name or filter items by design catalogue.

Step 7: Position your in-span equipment by adjusting the 'Distance' value in accordance with the chosen positioning method

There are two positioning methods: 'Absolute' and 'Ratio' which are described below. You can either type a value into the 'Distance' box or click the up and down arrows.

Absolute: Allows you to enter the distance in metres your in-span equipment will be placed from the selected 'From Structure'. For example, if you enter '15', your equipment will be 15 metres from the selected 'From Structure'.

Ratio: Positions your equipment proportionally in the span length, based on a value between 0 and 1. For example, entering '0.5' will place your equipment at the halfway point of your span. With this positioning method, if your span length changes, your in-span equipment will automatically be repositioned to remain at the halfway point of the span.

Step 8: Select the status of your in-span equipment from the 'Status' drop-down

Step 9: Click 'Apply'

This will close the 'Edit In-Span Equipment' dialog.

Step 10: Click 'Update Wire'

This will close the 'Edit Wire' window and confirm your changes. Alternatively you can repeat steps 4-9 to add more in-span equipment before updating.

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