Edit Wire Window: In-Span Equipment

The 'In-span equipment' tab within the 'Edit Wire' window allows you to add, edit, and delete in-span equipment attached to the selected wire. The article below outlines the functionality of the 'In-span equipment' tab. If you would like to follow the full processes for adding, editing, or deleting in-span equipment, please see the linked articles.

  1. Add: Adds in-span equipment to the wire and opens up the 'Edit In-Span Equipment' dialog to start configuration. 
  2. Search: Allows you to search for attached in-span equipment by the structure name they are positioned from.
  3. Delete all: Will delete all in-span equipment attached to the wire.
  4. In-span equipment: Displays the name of the structure the equipment is positioned from, and the type of in-span equipment. Clicking the structure name will centre the active view on the structure. Clicking on the card will open the 'Edit In-Span Equipment' dialog and allow you to make changes.
  5. Delete: Will delete the corresponding piece of in-span equipment.

'Edit In-Span Equipment' Dialog

  1. From structure: The structure from which the in-span equipment is positioned. You can select the structure from the drop-down or click the locate button and click on the structure in your design.
  2. Type: Allows you to choose from a list of in-span equipment that are allocable with the wire type you have selected.
  3. Distance: The value which positions your equipment in accordance with the chosen positioning method (see number 4).
  4. Absolute/Ratio: The two positioning methods for placing in-span equipment. Absolute allows you to enter the distance in metres your in-span equipment will be placed from the selected 'From structure'. Ratio positions your equipment proportionally in the span length, based on a value between 0 and 1. With this positioning method, if your span length changes, your in-span equipment will automatically be repositioned.
  5. Status: Allows you to set the status of your in-span equipment.

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