Why has my Ticket Type Changed?

Occasionally after submitting a ticket to our Helpcentre, you may be notified that your ticket type has changed. This is nothing to worry about! 

We try our best to make sure your ticket goes to the right person with the right expertise. Therefore, when we reassign the ticket type, this is because one of our agents has assessed it and determined it would be better suited to a different category, ultimately getting it into the right hands.

Reporting a defect or suggesting a change? 

Broadly, our ticket types can be broken down into either reporting defects or requesting change.

A ticket type may be changed from a defect for example, a 'Design Catalogue Issue' ticket, to a 'Suggest a Catalogue Change' ticket as what you have identified is not a defect, rather an item or function than never actually existed in the catalogue you are using.

Similarly, you may have submitted a 'Suggest a New Feature' ticket which could be changed to a defect-type ticket such as 'Lineardraft Issue', as your request may have highlighted something that is already a feature however, is not working correctly.

It may be necessary for us to ask for some additional information or files to make sure your ticket meets the minimum requirements of the new category and to ensure we have everything we need to resolve your request.

For some guidance on ticket types and correct categorisation, use these handy articles:
Our Ticket Types  
Categorising Your Ticket

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