Edit Wire Window: Span Types

The 'Span types' tab within the 'Edit Wire' window allows you to edit the span types of spans in a wire run. The article below outlines the functionality of the 'Span types' tab. If you would like to follow the full process for changing span types, please see the linked article.

  1. Search: Search for a span by entering the relevant structure name.
  2. Start structure: The name of the structure at the lowest chainage in the span. The system height and contact wire height at the structure is listed beneath the name. Clicking the structure name will centre the active view on the structure.
  3. End structure: The name of the structure at the highest chainage in the span. The system height and contact wire height at the structure is listed beneath the name. Clicking the structure name will centre the active view on the structure.
  4. Span type: Shows the current span type and allows you to change span types. You can search for a specific span type by name.
  5. Span details: Shows the system height change across the span from start structure to end structure in metres, the relative contact wire gradient as a ratio, the span length in metres, and the number of droppers in the span.

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