Importing a Lineardraft Design

If you want to import an existing Lineardraft design into your CAD model, just follow the steps below. 

Please note: You will need an exported .ld file for this process. 

Step 1: Click the 'Import' button in the 'Lineardraft' section of the Lineardraft toolbar

This will open the 'Import Lineardraft Design' window.

Step 2: Click 'Browse'

This will open an explorer window

Step 3: Locate the design you would like to import and click 'Open’

Step 4: Click 'Import Design'

Lineardraft will display a loading window while your design is imported. When complete, the window will close. 

Design not importing? If your design isn't importing and you're getting a red or yellow feedback message, take a look here. 
Please note: If you import your Lineardraft design file using another method, such as a DGN/DWG converter for example, asset data will be lost and Lineardraft objects will no longer be editable.

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