Some backties in V360 are designed to have multiple struts to support the tension. In Lineardraft, these are represented by a single backtie that should be added twice using specific foundations and baseplates.
The following article will guide you through configuring the foundation and baseplate selection for a multi-strut backtie. To follow the full process for adding a backtie please see the following article: Adding a Backtie
Cylindrical and Raised Anchor Backties
Step 1: Click 'Adjust' in the 'Structures' section of the Lineardraft toolbar, then click the structure to which you are adding a backtie
This will open the 'Edit Structure' window.
Step 2: Click 'Backties' and 'Add' then select the required backtie
Select your backtie and configure the style, distance, and height.
Step 3: Select the appropriate foundation, choosing the 'primary' version
Step 4: Select the appropriate baseplate, choosing the 'primary' version, and click 'Confirm'
Step 5: Click 'Add' to place another backtie
Select the appropriate backtie, and configure the style, distance, and height.
Step 6: Select the same foundation from Step 3, this time choosing the 'secondary' version
Please note: No duplicate allocation will be provided when adding a ‘secondary’ foundation.
Step 7: Select the same baseplate from Step 4, this time choosing the 'secondary' version, and click 'Confirm'
Please note: No duplicate allocation will be provided when adding a ‘secondary’ baseplate.
Step 8: Click 'Confirm' on the 'Backties' window, and 'Confirm' on the 'Edit Structure' window
This will close the 'Backties' window and the 'Edit Structure' window respectively, and confirm the changes.
Parallelepipedal Backties
Step 1: Click 'Adjust' in the 'Structures' section of the Lineardraft toolbar, then click the structure to which you are adding a backtie
This will open the 'Edit Structure' window.
Step 2: Click 'Backties' and 'Add' then select the required backtie
Select your backtie and configure the style, distance, and height.
Step 3: Select the appropriate foundation, choosing the 'primary' version
Step 4: Select the appropriate baseplate, and click 'Confirm'
The ‘default’ baseplate will be automatically selected, however other options are available for graphical adjustment of the strut with no change to the allocation.
Step 5: Click 'Add' to place another backtie
Select the appropriate backtie, and configure the style, distance, and height.
Step 6: Select the same foundation from Step 3, this time choosing the 'secondary' version
Please note: No duplicate allocation will be provided when adding a ‘secondary’ foundation.
Step 7: Select the same baseplate from Step 4, and click 'Confirm'
Once again the ‘default’ baseplate will be automatically selected, however other options are available for graphical adjustment of the strut with no change to the allocation.
Please note: No duplicate allocation will be provided when adding a second baseplate.
Step 8: Click 'Confirm' on the 'Backties' window, and 'Confirm' on the 'Edit Structure' window
This will close the 'Backties' window and the 'Edit Structure' window respectively, and confirm the changes.