Moving a Structure

A single structure can be moved using a marker, multiple structures can be moved at once using the 'Multi-move' function, or multiple structures can be moved to pre-defined co-ordinates using 'Move to co-ordinates'.

Move Multi-move Move to co-ordinates


The 'Move' function is used to move a single structure, along with any attached equipment and wires, to another position identified by a marker or markers.

Step 1: Place a marker or markers

Place a circle to act as a marker for the position you would like to move the structure to. If you are moving a portal you need to place two markers, one for each mast.

Step 2: Click the 'Move' button in the 'Structures' section of the Lineardraft toolbar

This will open the 'Move Structure' window. 

Step 3: Click the structure you want to move

Alternatively, you can select your structure from the drop-down menu in the 'Move Structures' window.

Step 4: Click your marker(s)

For portal structures, click both markers, one after the other. You'll see the tick next to 'Marker' go green once you have successfully selected your marker(s).

Step 5: Click the left rail and right rail

This should be the leftmost rail and rightmost rail of the track(s) you wish the structure to be associated with, when looking in the direction of increasing chainage. The tick next to 'Left rail' and 'Right rail' will go green as you select the respective rail.

Step 6: Click 'Move'

This will open the 'Edit Structure' window.

Step 7: Make any required changes to your structure, then click 'Update Structure'

Remember to update the 'Distance' value. Please note, whenever a structure is moved, the foundation and mast bearings are reset to the default rotation of the structure type being moved.

Once you click 'Update Structure' the 'Edit Structure' window will close, and your structure will move.

Please note: When you move a structure, if the secondary chainage is being used, it won't be updated automatically. This is because values for secondary chainages can vary case by case.

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