A single structure can be moved using a marker, multiple structures can be moved at once using the 'Multi-move' function, or multiple structures can be moved to pre-defined co-ordinates using 'Move to co-ordinates'.
The 'Move' function is used to move a single structure, along with any attached equipment and wires, to another position identified by a marker or markers.
Step 1: Place a marker or markers
Place a circle to act as a marker for the position you would like to move the structure to. If you are moving a portal you need to place two markers, one for each mast.
Step 2: Click the 'Move' button in the 'Structures' section of the Lineardraft toolbar
This will open the 'Move Structure' window.
Step 3: Click the structure you want to move
Alternatively, you can select your structure from the drop-down menu in the 'Move Structures' window.
Step 4: Click your marker(s)
For portal structures, click both markers, one after the other. You'll see the tick next to 'Marker' go green once you have successfully selected your marker(s).
Step 5: Click the left rail and right rail
This should be the leftmost rail and rightmost rail of the track(s) you wish the structure to be associated with, when looking in the direction of increasing chainage. The tick next to 'Left rail' and 'Right rail' will go green as you select the respective rail.
Step 6: Click 'Move'
This will open the 'Edit Structure' window.
Step 7: Make any required changes to your structure, then click 'Update Structure'
Remember to update the 'Distance' value. Please note, whenever a structure is moved, the foundation and mast bearings are reset to the default rotation of the structure type being moved.
Once you click 'Update Structure' the 'Edit Structure' window will close, and your structure will move.
Please note: When you move a structure, if the secondary chainage is being used, it won't be updated automatically. This is because values for secondary chainages can vary case by case.
The 'Multi-move' function allows you to move multiple structures, along with any attached equipment and wires, along a track at the same time.
Please note: Only single-mast structures (single track cantilevers, two track cantilevers, twin/triple cantilevers, self supporting anchors, and attachment points) can be multi-moved currently.
Step 1: Click the 'Move' button in the 'Structures' section of the Lineardraft toolbar
This will open the 'Move Structure' window.
Step 2: Choose 'Multi-move' from the drop-down menu
Step 3: Click on the structure(s) you want to move
Each structure you click on will appear in the 'Move Structure' window. Alternatively, you can pick the structure(s) from the 'Structure' drop-down menu and click the blue '+' button to add them to the list. Select as many structures as you want.
Every structure has a corresponding move status on the right of the window. If it shows a tick, your structure will be moved successfully. Learn more about move statuses here.
Top tip: If you want to remove a structure from the list, click the 'X' button next to the corresponding structure.
Step 4: Enter the distance you want to move the selected structures in the 'Distance along rail' box
This can be a positive or negative number, in metres. You can either click the arrow buttons, or type the number in the box.
The move statuses of your selected structures will refresh every time the value is changed.
Top tip: A positive number will move the structures in the direction of increasing chainage, whilst a negative number will move them in the direction of decreasing chainage.
Step 5: Click the 'Move' button
This will move all selected structures with a ticked move status by the specified distance and the 'Move Structure' window will close.
Whenever a structure is moved, the foundation and mast bearings are reset to the default rotation of the structure type being moved. If the secondary chainage is being used, it won't be updated automatically, as values for secondary chainages can vary case by case.
Please note: If some or all of the structures can't be moved, their corresponding move status will show a warning symbol and a message will appear in the 'Move Structures' window. Find out why this may happen here.
Move to co-ordinates
The 'Move to co-ordinates' function can be used to move structures, along with any attached equipment and wires, from a list of co-ordinates. This is especially useful when processing construction data, also known as 'As-Built' or 'As-Constructed' data.
Please note: Only single-mast structures (single track cantilevers, two track cantilevers, twin/triple cantilevers, self supporting anchors, and attachment points) can be moved en-masse currently.
Step 1: Format your construction data in a spreadsheet and save as a .csv file
Each row represents an individual structure, with the data arranged into three columns.
Column A: Easting, Column B: Northing, and Column C: Top of Foundation.
Step 2: Click the 'Move' button in the 'Structures' section of the Lineardraft toolbar
This will open the 'Move Structures' window.
Step 3: Choose 'Move to co-ordinates' from the drop-down menu
Step 4: Click the 'Browse' button and locate your .csv file from Step 1
Once you locate it, click 'Open' and the data will be populated in the window.
Step 5: Adjust 'Minimum' and 'Maximum' 'Tolerances' to match your co-ordinates with structures
Co-ordinates that can't be matched automatically (that fall outside the tolerance range) with structures in your model appear with a yellow warning symbol next to them. Adjusting the tolerance values will increase or decrease the number of matches.
Top tip: Click one of the filter buttons to filter the list. 'Error' shows only portal structures that cannot be moved, 'Warnings' shows structures that haven't been matched, whilst 'Valid' shows matched structures. If no filters are selected, all structures are shown.
Once the distance between a set of co-ordinates and the location of a structure falls within the tolerance range, they will be matched up and appear with a green tick icon.
Please note: It is not possible to move portal structures to co-ordinates. Any portals identified from the data will appear with a red warning symbol, and cannot be moved.
Step 6: Click the 'Move' button
This will apply all the movements to the structures with a green tick icon next to them, and close the 'Move Structure' window.
Please note, whenever a structure is moved, the foundation and mast bearings are reset to the default rotation of the structure type being moved.
Top tip: When moving structures en-masse, the chainage and any secondary chainage values will need updating accordingly.