Suggest a Catalogue Change

If you’d like to suggest a change to an existing design catalogue, this is the ticket type you need. This article contains the minimum details and files you should include in your submission. 

Please note, you can only request changes to catalogues that have the 'Active' catalogue status.

We'll review your request and add it to our Catalogues Roadmap so other Lineardraft users have the opportunity to give their insights on it. Learn more about how we manage catalogue updates here.

Before proceeding: Check you're using the latest version of the design catalogue you are suggesting a change to - we may have already made the changes! Additionally, check our Catalogues Roadmap to see what's already been suggested.

What roles are required to submit this ticket type?

You just need a User Account with the User Role or Engineering Administrator assigned.

What are the minimum requirements for this ticket type?

For us to properly understand and act on your ticket we need to know the finer details. Attach or include the following in the ‘Detail’ box in your ticket submission.

Please note: If these minimum requirements are not met, your ticket might be closed and you might have to submit a new one.

First, we need you to provide:

Second, include the following:

  • A clear & detailed description of the change you would like made.
  • Provide the technical details which may affect use/functionality. For example: 
    • List the Lineardraft items that you would like your requested item to be available with. If no item linkages are detailed on the drawings, this is especially important for you to provide.
  • Provide all sheets of relevant drawings in PDF format, depicting revision and/or version number. For example: 
    • Provide General Arrangement Drawings if the design range contains these. 
    • If any drawings lack details, then also provide annotated screenshots/images clearly showing the missing details.
  • If you are suggesting a type of equipment that is the first of its kind in Lineardraft, tell us exactly how you would place the item - a screenshot of the relevant window you expect the item to appear in would work here.
  • Finally, explain your 'Priority' selection from the drop-down list. This helps us further understand how important this suggestion is to your project.
Top tips: The earlier you get suggestions to us, the more time we have to validate and work on them, making it more likely to be implemented in-line with your project. Sharing your suggestion at a forum or on a call lets us know your submissions are coming!

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