Exporting Version Numbers & Diagnostics

When you request support from our team, often we will require information about your Lineardraft setup so we can recreate your exact scenario when running tests. This includes the version number of Lineardraft Core; the name and version numbers of your plugin, the design catalogues you’re using, and your active project settings; along with your Lineardraft log file . 

You’re able to collect all this information in one go using the instructions below, which you can then provide with your ticket.

Step 1: Click the 'About' button in the 'Lineardraft' section of the Lineardraft toolbar

This will open the 'About Lineardraft' window.

Step 2: Click 'Export Diagnostics'

This will open a 'Save As' window.

Step 3: Select a name and location for the file to be stored and click 'Save'

This will close the window and save a .zip file to the chosen location. This file can then be attached to your ticket submission.

Inside the .zip file there will be two text documents. 'Diagnostics' contains all version numbers and details, and 'Lineardraft' is your Lineardraft log file.

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