Changing Steelwork with Equipment Attached

When you need change the steelwork of a structure that has equipment, backties, or ornaments attached, the 'Steelwork Configurator' dialog allows you to make all the required amendments in one place.

This article talks about how to access the configurator and its key functions.

Step 1: Click the 'Edit' button in the 'Structures' section of the Lineardraft toolbar

This will open the structure selection window.

Step 2: Click on the structure you want to edit and click 'Edit'

Alternatively, you can select your structure from the drop-down menu. Clicking 'Edit' will open the 'Edit Structure' window.

Step 3: Click on the 'Configurator' button

This will open the 'Steelwork Configurator' dialog. Alternatively, clicking on any of the steelwork drop-down menus when there is equipment, backties, or ornaments attached to your structure will open the configurator.

Top tip: The steelwork drop-down you click determines which tab the configurator will open in. You can change tabs inside the configurator.

Step 4: Review and adjust the structure as required

There are several things you can do within the 'Steelwork Configurator' dialog, and the amendments you will need to make will depend on your scenario. Below are several short guides covering how to make changes in the configurator.

Changing Structure Type

Step A: Click on the 'Type' drop-down and select your structure type

This option is only available for single-mast structures (i.e. single track cantilevers, two track cantilevers, twin/triple cantilevers, self supporting anchors, and attachment points). For portals this option will be greyed out.

Step B: Review any changes made by the configurator

Changing structure types will typically affect your steelwork options and may change your selected mast and/or gantry, along with any attached brackets, SPS, and ornaments, to suit your selection. Backties will remain unaffected. 

The item(s) you had attached originally remain displayed above their respective drop-down for reference.

Learn more about how the configurator works here.

Please note: You may need to adjust your mast length, gantry height, and gantry length upon changing structure types. To do this, click 'Apply' in the configurator dialog, and make the required adjustments in the 'Edit Structure' window.
Changing Mast/Gantry Type

Step A: Click on the appropriate tab of the mast or gantry you want to change

Step B: Click on the Mast or Gantry drop-down and make your selection

Changing a mast may also change your selected gantry, and vice-versa, to ensure your steelwork is compatible.

Please note: Changing mast may also change your selected foundation. Be sure to check your selection in the 'Edit Structure' window once you've confirmed your changes in the configurator.

Step C: Review any changes made by the configurator

Changing steelwork may change your attached brackets, SPS, and ornaments to suit your selection. Any attached backties will remain the same. The item(s) you had attached originally remain displayed above their respective drop-down for reference.

Learn more about how the configurator works here.

Please note: Any attached ornaments will be changed to suit the newly selected steelwork on a best-case scenario, where the most similar ornament suitable for the selected steelwork is chosen. You can remove ornaments if an adequate replacement is not available.
Changing Attached Bracket/SPS

It is possible to change the brackets and SPS attached to your structure in the configurator. This will not affect any attached wires supports or wires.

Step A: Navigate to the 'Brackets' or 'SPS' section, click on the item drop-down and make your selection

The item you had attached originally remains displayed above the drop-down for reference.

Step B: Click on the Location drop-down and make your selection

This defines where your bracket or SPS is attached to your mast, gantry, or drop tube. Some locations can be adjusted further in the 'Edit Wire' dialog. Learn more about locations here.

Please note: Some brackets and SPS only have one location.

Step C: Click on the Rotation drop-down and make your selection

The available rotation options are defined by the selected 'Location'.

Changing Attached Ornament

Step A: Navigate to the 'Ornaments' section, click on the item drop-down and make your selection

The item you had attached originally remains displayed above the drop-down for reference.

Step B: Click on the Location drop-down and make your selection

This defines where your ornament is attached to your mast, gantry, or drop tube. Some locations can be adjusted further in the 'Edit Ornament' dialog. See how to edit an ornament here.

Please note: Some ornaments only have one location.

Step C: Click on the Rotation drop-down and make your selection

The available rotation options are defined by the selected 'Location'.

Remove or Re-Add Item

Step A: Navigate to the item you wish to remove/re-add and click the 'X' button

This will remove or re-add the item accordingly.

If you remove a bracket or SPS, it will also remove the associated wire supports, but will not detach the associated wires from the structure.

Please note: If you change steelwork whilst an item has been removed, and your new steelwork is not compatible with the removed item, it cannot be re-added until you pick a compatible mast or gantry. You can search for compatible items using Catalogue Explorer.

Step 5: Click 'Apply' in the 'Steelwork Configurator' dialog and 'Update Structure' in the 'Edit Structure' window

This will close the dialog and window respectively, and confirm your changes.

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