Overriding Drop Tube Settings

The article below outlines the process for overriding drop tube configurations such as length, height, and position where applicable.

Step 1: Click the ‘Edit’ button in the ‘Wires’ section of the Lineardraft toolbar

This will open the wire selection window.

Step 2: Click the equipment you want to edit and click ‘Edit’

Alternatively, you can select your wire and structure from the drop-down menu. This will open the 'Edit Wire' window directly in the 'Edit Wire' dialog.

Top tip: You can also access the 'Edit Wire' via the 'Wires' tab in the 'Edit Structure' window.

Step 3: Select the drop tube you would like to edit from the equipment pathway

Step 4: Enable the 'Length' toggle to override the drop tube length.

Use the up and down arrows to adjust the drop tube length, alternatively, you can manually enter a value. 

Step 5: Enable the 'Height' toggle to override the drop tube height.

Use the up and down arrows to adjust the drop tube height, alternatively, you can manually enter a value.

Step 6: Click 'Apply’

This will close the 'Edit Wire' dialog and return you to the 'Edit Wire' window. 

Step 7: Click 'Update Wire'

This will save your changes to your model and close the window.

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