The 'Edit Wire' dialog can be accessed from two windows in Lineardraft:
- The 'Wire points' tab of the 'Edit Wire' window, by clicking on a wire point or attaching the wire to a structure
- The 'Wires' tab of the 'Edit Structure' window, by clicking on a wire point or attaching the structure to a wire
The dialog allows you to edit the properties of a catenary or auxiliary wire at a structure, add equipment to a structure, or edit and remove any previously attached equipment. The article below outlines the functionality of the dialog.
If you would like to follow the full processes for attaching a wire, adding equipment, or editing a wire point, please see the linked articles.
The 'Edit Wire' dialog is divided into three main sections. The options within these sections are detailed in the tabs below.
- Wire Point Properties: Allows you to configure wire settings at the structure. This section will display different options depending on whether you are configuring a catenary or auxiliary wire point.
- Equipment Editor: Displays the equipment pathway where you attach your equipment.
- Sub-Menus: This section of the dialog presents different options depending on what item you have selected in the equipment editor. For example if you have a bracket selected, you will see options for selecting and positioning a bracket. The options for each sub-menu are detailed below.
Wire Point Properties
Catenary Wire Point
- Support type: The choice of structure support type, for example 'Supported and Registered', 'MPA', 'Anchor' etc.
- Track: The track which the catenary wire will be associated with; for multiple track structures.
- Contact Wire (CW): Height of the contact wire in metres, relative to HRL; the checkbox can be unticked to suppress the wire.
- System Height (SH): Distance between the messenger and contact wires.
- Messenger Wire (MW): Height of the messenger wire in metres, relative to HRL; the checkbox can be unticked to suppress the wire.
- Stagger: The offset of the contact wire from the centre line of the track, in metres.
- In-running: When enabled this indicates the wire is 'in-running' and will be in contact with the pantograph. When disabled this indicates the wire is 'out-of-running' and will not be in contact with the pantograph.
- Equipment: Enable this toggle to add equipment for your wire to the structure. Find out more here.
- Three-dot menu: Clicking this will open a flyout menu allowing you to set the wire point status and span type for the span following the selected wire point.
- Centre view on structure: Centres the active view around your selected structure.
Auxiliary Wire Point
- Anchor: This toggle can be enabled if you want to anchor the wire to the structure.
- Support: Select which mast the wire is attached to; used when attaching to portals. For example 'Support (A)'. This option is only visible when the 'Equipment' toggle isn't enabled, otherwise you attach your wire to the appropriate mast or gantry via the equipment editor.
- Reference height: Reference for height of wire; this can be linked to a specific track or the overall HRL.
- Height: The height of the auxiliary wire.
- Offset: The horizontal distance from the centre of the chosen mast. This option is only visible when the 'Equipment' toggle isn't enabled.
- Equipment: This toggle can be enabled to add auxiliary equipment. Learn more here.
- Three-dot menu: Clicking this will open a flyout menu allowing you to set the wire point status and span type for the span following the selected wire point.
- Centre view on structure: Centres the active view around your selected structure.
Equipment Editor
- Item category: In each row, everything to the left of the divider is the category of item i.e. mast, attachment point, gantry, SPS, drop tube, bracket, wire support slot. What is displayed changes based on your structure type and what equipment is added. These items are displayed in a hierarchy known as an equipment pathway.
- Item type: In each row, everything to the right of the divider is the selected item type. This may be blank if an item is yet to be selected. Steelwork types are selected in the 'Edit Structure' window, whilst equipment types can be selected by clicking on the appropriate item in the equipment editor, and then using the 'Type' drop-down that appears in the sub-menu to the right. The sub-menu functions are detailed fully in the other tabs of this article.
- Add bracket/SPS/ornament: When you hover over certain items in the equipment editor, '+' buttons appear which allow you to add equipment where applicable. If you hover your cursor over the button, a tooltip will appear detailing whether it is adding a bracket, SPS, or ornament.
- Set as the active slot: If you have an empty wire support slot available, you can click this button to place your wire support in the slot.
- Active slot: Denotes the slot you are currently placing your wire support.
More info: Learn more about how you place and edit equipment using the equipment editor here.
Mast/Support Sub-Menu
- RECOS: RECOS allows to you adjust the distance between the centre of a mast and the running edge of the closest rail, of the closest associated track.
- REFOS: REFOS allows you to adjust the distance between the face of a mast and the running edge of the closest rail, of the closest associated track.
- Reach: Allows you to adjust the reach in metres. Changing this value will also affect the RECOS and REFOS. This option will only be available when editing a catenary wire point.
- Length: Allows you to configure the length of your mast by either overtyping in the box or using the up/down arrows to increase or decrease the length by allocable increments. Please note, if you are editing an attachment point, this value will not be editable.
- Add bracket: Adds a bracket to the mast/support. If there are no compatible brackets, this option will be greyed out.
- Add SPS: Adds SPS to the mast/support. If there are no compatible SPS, this option will be greyed out.
Gantry Sub-Menu
- Height: Defines the height of the underside of the gantry above HRL; adjusting this will automatically adjust the length of the supporting mast or masts.
- Length: Defines the length of the gantry which can be adjusted by overtyping or using the up/down arrows.
- Add bracket: Adds a bracket to the gantry. If there are no compatible brackets, this option will be greyed out.
- Add SPS: Adds SPS to the gantry. If there are no compatible SPS, this option will be greyed out.
SPS Sub-Menu
- Type: Allows you to select which SPS you want to use. This list is filtered to only include SPS compatible with the steelwork to which you are attaching the SPS.
- Location: Defines where on the parent item you would like to place the SPS. To learn more about SPS locations read this article.
- Rotation: Defines how the SPS is orientated in relation to the parent item. The available rotation options are defined by the selected 'Location'.
- Offset/Height: If attaching the SPS to a gantry, this box will show as 'Offset', defining the horizontal distance of the SPS from the mast (see below). If attaching the SPS to a mast, this box will show as 'Height', defining the height of the SPS above HRL. The minimum and maximum limits will be shown underneath; these limits are defined by the selected 'Location'. Learn more here.
- Distance: The horizontal distance from the associated wire (see below).
- Rotation: Rotation angle of the SPS around the along-track axis.
- Z Rot.: Rotation angle of the SPS around the z-axis.
Drop Tube Sub-Menu
Below are two examples of the 'Drop tube' sub-menu.
The image on the left shows a drop tube with 'Length' and 'Height' properties that can be overridden, with the override toggles disabled. The image on the right shows a drop tube with 'Length' and 'Position' properties that can be overridden, with the override toggles enabled.
- Type: Allows you to select which drop tube you want to use. This list is filtered to only include drop tubes compatible with the SPS you have selected.
- Length: By enabling the toggle you are able to override the calculated length and choose a length more suitable for your requirements by entering a value in the box or using the up and down arrows.
- Height: By enabling the toggle you are able to override the height of the bottom of the drop tube above HRL to a more suitable position for your requirements. This option will only display if the height can be overridden. Overriding the height without overriding the length may affect the calculated length of the drop tube.
- Position: By enabling the toggle you are able to override the position at which the drop tube attaches to the SPS. These positions are represented as slots or holes at designated points along the length of the drop tube. Overriding the position without overriding the length may affect the calculated length of the drop tube.
- Offset X: This defines the distance the drop tube is offset in the across track orientation. A negative value indicates the position of the drop tube is closer to the associated structure support than the default.
- Offset Y: Defines the distance the drop tube is offset in the along track orientation.
- Add bracket: Adds a bracket to the drop tube. If there are no compatible brackets, this option will be greyed out.
- Add ornament: Adds an ornament to the drop tube. If there are no compatible ornaments, this option will be greyed out.
Bracket Sub-Menu
- Type: Allows you to select which bracket you want to use. This list is filtered to only include brackets compatible with the mast, gantry, or drop tube to which you are attaching the bracket.
- Location: Defines where on the parent item you would like to place the bracket. Some locations can be adjusted using the 'Height' or 'Distance' box, whilst some locations are limited. To learn more about bracket locations please see this article.
- Rotation: Defines how the bracket is orientated on the parent item. The available rotation options are defined by the selected 'Location'.
- Height/Distance: 'Height' will show when placing a bracket for an auxiliary wire on a mast or drop tube, and allows you to adjust the height of the bracket above HRL, if your chosen location allows. 'Distance' will show when placing a bracket for an auxiliary wire on a gantry, and allows you to adjust the distance of the bracket from the centre of mast, if your chosen location allows. The minimum and maximum limits will be shown underneath; these limits are defined by the selected 'Location'. Learn more here.
Wire Support Sub-Menu
- Type: Allows you to select which wire support you want to use. This list is filtered to only include wire supports compatible with the bracket to which you are attaching the wire support.
- Style: Allows you to select the specific wire support style. When you open the drop-down you will also be able to select between the 'Push' or 'Pull' variations of the style where applicable.
- Customisation: Depending on the wire support style you have chosen, it may be possible to edit its parameters. If so, the 'Customisation' drop-down will allow you to review and edit these parameters. The parameters available for customisation are dependent on the chosen wire support style.
- Search: Search for a wire support style parameter by name.
- Reset all: Resets all wire support style parameters to their default values.
Top tip: Hovering your cursor over the 'i' symbol next to 'Type' will bring up a wire support helper tooltip, suggesting adjustments you could make which would allow you to use different wire supports.
Ornament Sub-Menu
- Type: Allows you to choose or change the ornament that you’d like to attach. Lineardraft will automatically filter this list so only ornaments applicable with your drop tube will be available in the list.
- Location: Defines where on the drop tube you would like to place the ornament. Some locations can be adjusted using the 'Height' box, whilst some locations are limited. Learn more about locations here.
- Rotation: Defines how the ornament is orientated on the drop tube. The available rotation options are defined by the selected 'Location'.
- Height: This allows you to set the height of the ornament, relative to HRL. The minimum and maximum limits will be shown underneath; these limits are defined by the selected 'Location'. Learn more here.
- Delete ornament: Removes the ornament from the drop tube.