A backtie can be added to a structure by following these steps.
Step 1: Click the 'Edit' button in the 'Structures' section of the Lineardraft toolbar
This will open the structure selection window.
Step 2: Click on the structure you want to edit and click 'Edit'
Alternatively, you can select your structure from the drop-down in the structure selection window.
Clicking 'Edit' will open the 'Edit Structure' window.
Step 3: Click on the 'Ties/ Struts' tab
Here you'll see any backties that are already attached to the structure.
Step 4: Click 'Add'
This will open the 'Edit Backtie' dialog.
If you are editing an existing backtie, simply click on the backtie in the list to open the 'Edit Backtie' dialog.
Step 5: Configure your backtie
Configure the options below to meet your requirements.
Type: This drop-down menu allows you to choose from a list of backties that are allocable with the structure you have chosen.
Style: Allows you to choose an alternative backtie style to the default .The default backtie style is defined by the backtie length.
Height: Defines the height of the backtie connection on the structure, relative to HRL.
Dynamic Position enabled: When this is enabled, the backtie will be placed in line with the structure parallel to the track. Only 'Distance' will need to be configured.
Distance: Allows you to set the distance the backtie will be positions away from the structure. Using the invert button or setting the distance as a negative number will position the backtie in the opposite direction.
Dynamic position disabled: When this is disabled, the position of the backtie will need to be fully configured using the X and Y co-ordinates and the bearing.
X: Allows you to set the X co-ordinate for the backtie.
Y: Allows you to set the Y co-ordinate for the backtie.
Bearing: Allows you to set the bearing of the backtie, measured clockwise in degrees from North (0°).
Foundation Type: This drop-down menu allows you to choose from a list of foundations that are allocable with your backtie.
Top: This value defines the top surface of the foundation, relative to sea level. The reset button can be used to return this value to HRL.
Length: Defines the vertical length of the foundation. Top of foundation height will remain constant and the bottom of the foundation will move as length is altered.
Baseplate: Allows you to choose from a list of allocable baseplates to use with the selected backtie foundation.
Step 6: Click 'Finish'
Your backtie will now display in the 'Edit Structure' window.
More info: If you'd like to delete a backtie simply click the trash can icon next to the backtie you would like to delete. Alternatively, click the 'Delete all' button to remove all backties from the mast.
Step 7: Click 'Update Structure'
A loading screen will appear while your changes are applied, once complete the window will close. The backtie will now be added to the 3D model and 2D plan views, with corresponding backtie annotations where applicable.
Please note: Any backtie changes won't be final until you 'Update Structure' in the 'Edit Structure' window, even if they have been confirmed in the 'Edit Backtie' dialog.