Sometimes, you might want a structure to show on a layout, but to be hidden in 3D. For example, when you have two overlapping models, and you want to hide the last structure so it isn't duplicated. This is how it's done.
Step 1: Click the 'Edit' button in the 'Structures' section of the Lineardraft toolbar
This will open the structure selection window.
Step 2: Click on the structure you want to hide and click 'Edit'
Alternatively, you can select your structure from the drop-down menu. Clicking 'Edit' will open the 'Edit Structure' window.
Step 3: Disable the eye icon toggle
A new drop-down menu will appear
Step 4: Choose your hidden structure option from the drop-down menu
‘Hidden’ will hide the structure and any attached equipment, ‘Show equipment only’ will hide the structure but leave any equipment visible in the 3D. For more information on hidden structure options, see here.
Step 5: Click 'Update Structure'
A loading screen will display, once the changes have been applied the window will close.
Your chosen structure will now be hidden from the 3D view but will still be visible in plan view. The hidden structure option you have selected will determine if any equipment remains visible in 3D, and what is omitted from allocation reports.
Did you know? You can edit the hidden structure option of multiple hidden structures at the same time. Find out how here.