Getting Your Suggestion Approved

We are constantly working on expanding and improving Lineardraft’s capabilities, and we want to make sure we’re focussing our efforts on what is important to our users.

It’s for this reason we ask you to fully engage with our Software & Catalogue Roadmaps. This allows us to understand what is important to you, our customers, and properly prioritise the work we are doing.

There are a number of things you can do to help get your feature approved. Ultimately it's about engaging with us and letting us know what is important... 

1. Submit your suggestion

Simply put, if you would like a new feature or catalogue change, you will need to ask us! To do this, you’ll need to submit a ticket.

The more comprehensive the information you give us at this stage, the better. We need you to give us context so we can understand exactly why this feature/change is important to your work. If you provide detailed information and as many supporting drawings/documents as possible, we can then send your suggestion over to the relevant roadmap for consideration. 

The minimum requirements articles for suggest a new feature and suggest a catalogue change will give you guidance on what to include. 

For more information on what happens to your request once we receive it, take a look at this article.

Before submitting: Have a look at what has already been requested in our Software and Catalogue Roadmaps, as it may already be there!

2. Vote and encourage others to do the same

Once your suggestion has been added to one of our roadmaps, it’s important you continue to engage with it. Encourage colleagues who would also benefit from the new feature or change to vote and add context to help us, and other Lineardraft users, understand the value of your suggestion.

For more information on how to vote and add feedback, visit this article

Top tip: You don't have to work at the same company to find value in others' suggestions! Vote and give feedback on everything you think would be beneficial.

3. Respond to information requests

If your suggestion receives enough votes and feedback to be considered in more detail by our team, we may need more information in order to get to work. If this is the case, your suggestion will be added to the ‘Information Required’ section of our roadmap. 

Information requests could be asking for clarification or additional essential details, and will be posted in the 'What's new' section of your suggestion's change card. It’s imperative that we receive this information so our engineers and developers can progress your suggestion further.

For more information on how to respond to information requests, see here.

Top tip: You don't have to be the person who submitted the suggestion to respond to information requests. If you have useful information, share it!

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