Editing a Structure

The below instructions outline how to edit a basic structure. This can include single mast structures (e.g. STCs, TTCs, SSAs), attachment points or portals.  

More info: If you want to edit the steelwork of your structure, but it already has equipment attached, please refer to this article.

Step 1: Click the 'Edit' button in the 'Structures' section of the Lineardraft toolbar

This will open the structure selection window.

Step 2: Click on the structure you want to edit and click 'Edit'

Alternatively, you can select your structure from the drop-down menu. Clicking 'Edit' will open the 'Edit Structure' window.

Step 3: Edit the structure

Make any required changes in the 'Edit Structure' window. You’ll see a green dot appear next to the steelwork tab if you have made any changes since the structure was last updated.

More info: For a full run down of the 'Edit Structure' window and its features, please take a look at this article.

Step 4: Click 'Update Structure'

This will close the 'Edit Structure' window. You can now check that Lineardraft has made any specified changes and updated the 3D and plan views.

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