Equipment Editor Explained

The equipment editor, located in the 'Configure' window, allows you to place and edit equipment attached to a structure at a particular wire point. This article explains the basic functions of the editor. To learn how to access the equipment editor, see Editing a Wire Point.

The Primary Function

The goal of the equipment editor is to allow you to place a wire support on a structure to support an attached wire. To achieve this you ultimately need a bracket with an empty wire support slot to which you can attach the wire support. This bracket could either be placed directly on the steelwork, or using SPS and a drop tube.

Once you have placed the required equipment, and have an available wire support slot, the wire support editor at the bottom of the window will be enabled where you can configure your wire support.

Equipment Pathway

The equipment editor displays all SPS, drop tubes, and available brackets attached to a structure.

The equipment is displayed in a hierarchy, known as an equipment pathway, which is shown below.

It is possible to have multiple child items attached to a parent item. For example you can have multiple SPS or brackets attached to a mast, or multiple wire support slots on a bracket. Below shows an example of a bracket with three slots to which you could attach your wire support.

Using the Editor

When you click on an item in the equipment editor, you will see that some items are highlighted differently. Bold denotes the active pathway, whilst blue denotes the currently selected item.

Selecting an item in the equipment editor will update the active pathway to use the selected item, if it wasn't already in use.

When selecting an item in the equipment editor, contextual buttons will appear on the right of the window that are appropriate for the selected item. These buttons generally allow you to edit an item, or add a child item.

Links to articles on each option are available below:

Wire Support Editor

For the wire support editor to be enabled, an available wire support slot must be present in the active pathway.

If a slot is available but the wire support editor is not enabled, then you may need to adjust other parameters such as reach or system height.

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